25 Apr 2017

Two new on-line learning modules have been created by GRADnet PGR students: Shaun Geaney of RHUL and�Justyn Campbell-White of the University of Kent. This brings the total number of modules now available to fourteen. These were all created by GRADnet PGRs in response to the phrase "I wish I'd known that when I started my PhD". The new modules are:
Virtual Observatory Tools for Astronomers
Designed to help new PhD students embarking on their research, the presentation style of the courses is very varied.�Clean code is about creating organised, readable and terse programming code and �is delivered as an online presentation. The Virtual Observatory Tools�is a�video which will show you how to use the Virtual Observatory (VO) tools: Aladin, Simbad, Vizier, and Topcat.
The creators of these and the other modules�received prizes. If any PGRs across SEPnet have any ideas for additional training modules, please contact gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk